Terms and Conditions
Charter period and ports
Starting and finishing ports are the same, unless specifically stated.
Standard duration of charters is on a weekly basis (6 nights/7 days), spending the last (7th) night onboard. It runs in 7-day intervals (7 days, 14 days etc).
It is possible to offer the yacht for an extra night prior to the charter date or after the termination of charter, at a nominal rate, if available at Last-minute.
For odd day charters, please make an enquiry, and if possible, we will try to accommodate you. 10-day charters are possible in non-high season periods.
Embarkation / Disembarkation
Embarkation/Check-in time is at 17:00 hours, on the date the charter begins, usually Saturdays. However, we will try to deliver earlier, if the yacht is ready before the contractual time.Early Check-in (by 14:00) is available at a fee, provided the yacht can be delivered by that time.
Disembarkation time is at 09:00 hours on the ending date, usually Saturdays.The boat should return to the agreed base one day prior to the termination of the charter, by 18:00 Athens time (during May to September – otherwise by 17:00), to start the Check-out procedure while there is still daylight.
Check-out commences on Friday with the use of divers and inspection of the yacht’s exterior by the company staff and it is completed on Saturday morning, after the yacht is empty of passengers and personal belongings.
The Check-out cannot be completed until all passengers have left the yacht.
It is desirable that clients return to the company office, after the Check-out is completed, to finalize the Redelivery procedure. It is at that time that they will be informed if all is in Good Order and the Security Deposit is released or if a Damage/loss is noted. In such a case, the cost will be deducted from the Deposit amount and a relevant Invoice / Receipt will be issued.
In case the Charterer/Crew have left before the Check-out procedure is completed, they will be notified by mail as to the outcome of the procedure.
Charter documentation
To be able to better service the Charterer, 1 month prior to the charter, at the latest, please provide the following:
- Arrival information (i.e., flight number and estimated time of arrival).
- Crew-list (stating full names, ID/passport numbers, nationality and phone number of at least one crew member).
- Copies of skipper's and co-Skipper's licenses (2) or co-skipper's sailing resume.
- Provision list (complimentary service - upon request).
- Other requests or Extras.
Certification and Safety
According to the Greek law, at least one member of the Crew with a valid international sailing license, “The Skipper”, is required for a Bareboat charter, while the co-Skipper should have either a sailing license or sailing experience which is attested by signing a formal Declaration Form, on spot.
Any sailing license presented on board should be in an original document.
Certain yachts, due to their size or complexity, require extensive sailing experience, which should be evident from their sailing resume and at the time of embarkation/departure.
In the event of obvious disability of the skipper and crew to take delivery and safely sail the yacht, the base manager reserves the right to place a professional skipper onboard for a day, to familiarize the crew with the handling of the yacht. If at the end of the day, it is evident that the necessary experience to handle the yacht is missing, in the interest of the yacht’s and the passengers’ safety, a professional skipper will be appointed for the duration of the charter, payable by the charterer.
Boats are insured under the Greek law for hull and machinery, third-party liability, and sea pollution.
A Refundable Security Deposit applies to Bareboat and Crewed Charters alike and will be returned in full at the end of the trip, provided there is no damage to the boat or loss during the cruise, as determined at Check-out.
Security Deposit is required at base prior to boat embarkation by one of the following manners:
- Credit Cards - VISA and Mastercard are accepted
- Cash
Personal checks of any kind are not accepted.
The crew member(s) whose credit card is used for the Security Deposit has to be included in the Charter Party or at least in the Crew List.
In cases of charters with a Professional skipper, a Security Deposit Insurance Scheme is mandatory, combining a Non-Refundable amount and a reduced Refundable security.
Booking Procedure
Upon deciding to book a charter by Multihull Yachting, the client has to formally request an Option (right) for a specific boat, time period, and port, which is offered for a limited time duration. During that time, the client can decide if they wish to reserve the boat and inform the company in writing. There is a 7-day period to settle the Advance payment to the bank mentioned on the Booking Confirmation.
Terms of Payment
- Advance Deposit: 50% within 7 days of Booking Confirmation
- Balance Payment: up to 35 days prior to embarkation
It is noted that if a Booking is made for a charter starting within the next 35 days, the full amount has to be paid upon Confirmation.
The Agency / Client is obligated to cover the costs of the money transfer to Company's account (shared costs).
Any payment on account of the Company reconfirms that the Agent/Client has read and agreed to the terms and conditions.
Booking is not Confirmed unless:
- The Advance Deposit is cleared in the Multihull Yachting account.
- The Charter Contract will be considered valid only upon payment of the remaining amount.
In any case, the outstanding amount should be settled 35 days prior to the beginning of the charter.
It is understood that if a payment is not made in due dates, Multihull Yachting reserves the right to cancel the charter, as per the Cancellation Policy below, and make no refund as to the total amount received.
Charter Amount
The Charter amount must be paid in full prior to embarkation.
What is included in the Charter Amount:
VAT, use of yacht and its inventory and dinghy, yacht insurance according to the Greek legislation, technical support.
Charter Pack
It is Obligatory and is paid at the base.
What is included in the Charter pack:
End-cleaning, bed linen (one set of bed sheets, pillowcase, blankets, and towels per person), first and last night at the marina, first fill-up of the outboard tank, one running, and one extra gas bottle.
What is not included in the Charter Amount and Charter pack:
Fuel consumption, water consumption during the charter, transfer of passengers to/from the yacht, marina fees and tolls during the charter, relocation/transfer to ports other than the designated ones, food provisions & drinks, travel insurance, personal insurance, optional extras such as Skipper or Hostess, not specifically agreed.
The applicable VAT, currently 12%, is valid to this date. Following government regulations, the VAT rate is subject to change without prior notice or responsibility. Should any change in applicable VAT rate take place, the difference will be credited or debited to the Charterer, accordingly.
Charter amounts are payable by bank transfer or charge of a credit/debit card, with proper authorization.
Any payment via credit card requires the written authorization of the cardholder and levies a 2.5% surcharge.
Agents/Clients are obliged to cover the costs of the money transfers to the Company's account (shared costs).
Extras may be ordered in advance or requested at the base.
All Extras provided are subject to availability. If an Extra is ordered and placed onboard, there is no refund in case it is not used (this does not include cases where the Extra is found to be defective and the base manager is notified). In such cases, the specific amount paid will be reimbursed upon returning to base.
All Extras – Mandatory and Optionals - are payable at base, in cash, unless otherwise agreed.
Cancellation Policy
The Charter Cancellation Policy applicable is as follows:
- 5 days after the Booking Confirmation and up to 32 days prior to embarkation: 50% of the total Charter amount.
- Between 31 days and embarkation date: 100% of the total charter.
- No show: 100% of the total charter amount and Crew fees (if ordered).
NOTE: The cancellation notification must be in writing to info@multihullyachting.com
In case Crew has been requested, the Crew Cancellation Policy is as follows:
- 7 days after the ordering of Crew and up to 32 days prior to embarkation: 25% of the crew fee.
- Between 31 days and up to 8 days prior to embarkation: 50% of the crew fee.
- Between 7 days and the date of embarkation or No-Show: 100% of the crew fee.
In case the yacht under cancellation is re-chartered, we guarantee the return of the cancellation fee less an Expense Cover of 300€, provided the yacht is chartered under the same conditions.
However, it is always advisable to arrange for Travel Insurance, to cover unforeseeable events.
Yacht delivery
Upon embarkation, we deliver the yachts clean, with bed linen and towels (one full set/person/week), one running and one extra gas bottle, and fuel and water tanks full.
Charterers are required to re-deliver the boat as delivered, with fuel tanks full and in reasonably clean condition.
Important notice:
Agencies offering our yachts through their platform/booking system/website are responsible for the correctness of the entries (such as yacht details, base, payment terms, cancellation policy, etc.).
In any case, Multihull Yachting terms and conditions apply, irrelevant of terms and conditions offered on the agency's website/platform/booking system, etc.
CLAUSE 1 - AGREEMENT TO LET AND HIRE : The OWNER agrees to let the above Yacht to the CHARTERER and not toenter into any other Agreement for the Charter of the Yacht for the same period. The CHARTERER agrees to hire the Yachtand shall pay the Charter Fee to the OWNER and the Advance Provisioning Allowance, so that the CAPTAIN arranges theprovisioning on his behalf, and any other charges, in cleared funds, on or before the dates and to the Account specified inthis Agreement.
CLAUSE 2 – DELIVERY : The OWNER shall at the beginning of the Charter deliver the Yacht to the Port of Delivery and theCHARTERER shall take delivery in full commission and working order, seaworthy, clean, in good condition throughout andready for service, with full equipment, including up-to-date safety and live-saving equipment (including life – jackets forchildren if any, are part of the Charterer’s Party), as required by the Yacht’s registration authority and enabling theCHARTERER to use the Yacht as set out in Clause 13. The OWNER does not warrant her comfort in bad weather conditionsfor all cruises or passages within the Charter Area.
CLAUSE 3 - RE-DELIVERY : The CHARTERER shall re-deliver the Yacht to the OWNER at the Port of Re-Delivery free of anydebts incurred for the CHARTERER’s account during the Charter Period and in as good condition as when delivery wastaken, except for fair wear and tear arising from ordinary use. The CHARTERER may, if he wishes, re-deliver the Yacht tothe Port of Re-Delivery and disembark prior to the end of the Charter Period but such early re-delivery shall not entitle theCHARTERER to any refund of the Charter Fee.
CLAUSE 4 - CRUISING AREA AND TIME : The CHARTERER shall restrict the cruising of the Yacht to within the CruisingArea and to within regions in the Cruising Area. The CHARTERER shall also restrict time under way to an average of six (6)hours per day, unless the Captain, in his sole discretion, agrees to exceed this time or unless otherwise is agreed amongthe Undersigned Parties.
CLAUSE 5 - MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PERSONS - RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHILDREN & HEALTH OF THE CHARTERER’S PARTY1. The CHARTERER shall not at any time during the Charter Period permit more than the Maximum Number of GuestsSleeping or Cruising on Board here in stated. As an exception, a reasonable number of visitors could be on Board whilstthe YACHT is securely moored in port and at the sole discretion of the Captain. 2. If children are taken on board, theCHARTERER shall be fully responsible for their safety, conduct and entertainment. 3. The nature of a yacht charter mayrender it unsuitable for anybody with physical disability or undergoing medical treatment. By signature of this Agreementthe CHARTERER warrants the medical fitness of all members of the CHARTERER’s party for the voyage contemplated bythis Agreement. The CHARTERER and his party undertake to have all necessary visas and vaccinations for the countries tobe visited.
CLAUSE 6 – CREW: The ONWER shall provide the Crew of the yacht, according to the laws of Greece and properlyuniformed and insured. The OWNER shall ensure that the Captain and Crew comply with the laws and regulations of anycountry into whose waters the Yacht shall enter during the course of this Agreement.
CLAUSE 7 - CAPTAIN’S AUTHORITY : 1. The OWNER shall ensure that the Captain shows the CHARTERER the sameattention as if the CHARTERER were the OWNER. The Captain shall comply with all reasonable orders given to him by theCHARTERER regarding the management, operation and movement of the Yacht, wind, weather and other circumstancespermitting. The Captain shall not, however, be bound to comply with any order which, in the reasonable opinion of theCaptain, might result in the Yacht moving to any port or place that is not safe and proper for her to be in, or might result inthe CHARTERER failing to re-deliver the Yacht upon the expiration of the Charter Period, or would cause a breach of Clause13. 2. Further, without prejudice to any other remedy of the OWNER, if, in the reasonable opinion of the Captain, theCHARTERER or any of his Guests fail to observe any of the provisions in Clause 13 and if such failure continues after theCaptain has given due and specific warning to the CHARTERER in writing in respect to the same, the Captain shall informthe ONWER and the BROKER(s) and the OWNER may terminate the Charter forthwith or instruct the Captain to return theYacht to the Port of Re-Delivery and upon such return the Charter Period shall be terminated. The CHARTERER and hisguests shall disembark, the CHARTERER having settled all outstanding expenses with the Captain before hand and theCHARTERER shall not be entitled to be refunded any part of the Charter Fee.3. With particular regard to the use ofwatersports equipment, as defined in Clause 16, the Captain shall have the authority to prohibit the use by the CHARTERER or any or all of his Guests from use of any particular watersports equipment if, in his reasonable opinion, theyare not competent to operate such equipment, are behaving in an irresponsible manner, or are failing to show due concernfor other persons when operating this equipment.
CLAUSE 8 - OPERATING COSTS : The CHARTERER shall be responsible for the operating costs, as specifically definedunder “CONDITIONS” on Page One of this Agreement, for the entire Charter Period for himself and his Guests. Having paidthe Advance Provisioning Allowance (A.P.A.) via the abovementioned YACHT’s Account (and/or part in cash), as requiredby this Agreement, the CHARTERER shall be advised by the Captain, at intervals, as to the disbursement of the A.P.A. andshall, if the balance remaining becomes insufficient, in the light of current expenditure, pay to the Captain, in cash, asufficient sum to maintain an adequate credit balance. Prior to disembarkation at the end of the Charter Period, theCaptain shall present to the CHARTERER a detailed account of expenditure with as many supporting receipts as possible,and the CHARTERER shall pay to the captain, in cash, the balance of the expenses, or the Captain shall repay to theCHARTERER, any balance overpaid, as the case may be. Payment for special requirements or equipment, shore transportor excursions or any other expenses not customarily considered part of the Yacht’s operating costs may be required to bepaid via the YACHT’s account in advance and/or to the Captain on boarding in addition to the A.P.A. Unless specificalternative arrangements have been made in writing, in advance, all payments for operating costs etc, shall be payable incash in the same currency as the Charter Fee. Payment by cheque, credit card or other negotiable instrument is notacceptable due to the itinerant nature of the Yacht’s seasonal schedule and the CHARTERER should therefore ensure thathe carries sufficient cash to cover all reasonably foreseeable expenses or arrange to deposit additional funds with theBROKER.
CLAUSE 9 - DELAY IN DELIVERY : 1. The OWNER fails to deliver the yacht at the Port of Delivery at the commencementof the Charter Period, the OWNER will allow the CHARTERER demurrage pro rate for every day or part of day lost or if it bemutually agreed the OWNER shall allow a pro rata extension of the Charter Period. 2. If by reason of force majeure theOWNER fails to deliver the yacht within forty-eight (48) hours or a period equivalent to one-seventh (1/7th) of the CharterPeriod, whichever period is shorter, from the due time of delivery, the CHARTERER shall be entitled to treat this Agreementas terminated. The CHARTERER’s exclusive remedy will be to receive repayment without interest of the full amount ofpayments made by him to the OWNER or BROKER(s). Alternatively, if the parties mutually agree and subject to thebookings of the yacht, the Charter Period shall be extended for a period equal to that which shall have elapsed betweenthe date of delivery and the date of the actual delivery of the Yacht. 3. If the OWNER fails to deliver the yacht at the Port ofDelivery at the commencement of the Charter Period in accordance to article b of this clause, other than by reason of forcemajeure, the CHARTERER shall be entitled to treat this Agreement as repudiated by the OWNER. The CHARTERER will beentitled to repayment without interest of the full amount of all payments made by him to the OWNER or BROKER(s), andshall in addition be paid by the OWNER liquidated damages, calculated and paid forthwith on the following scale (measureof the scale to be the date of acknowledge regarding the failure of on time delivery): 1. If the CHARTERER is informed three(3) months or more before commencement of the Charter Period, an amount equivalent to 7,5% of the Charter Fee. 2. Ifthe CHARTERER is informed more than fourteen (14) days but less than three (3) months before commencement of theCharter Period, an amount equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of the Charter Fee. 3. If the CHARTERER is informed lessthan fourteen (14) days before commencement of the Charter Period, an amount equivalent to twenty five percent (25%)of the Charter Fee. 4. Alternatively to the repayment of the full amount and the liquidated damages set forth in article c ofclause 9, the OWNER may offer to the CHARTERER for the same Charter Period and Charter Fees another yacht upgradedto the yacht initially agreed to in regard to size, comfort and services. In the case of replacement of the yacht, this is agreedby the Undersigned parties if the CHARTERER gives consent on this.
CLAUSE 10 - DELAY IN RE-DELIVERY : 1. If re-delivery of the Yacht is delayed by reason of force majeure, re-delivery shallbe effected as soon as possible thereafter and in the meantime the conditions of this Agreement shall remain in force butwithout penalty or additional charge against the CHARTERER. 2. If the CHARTERER fails to re-deliver the Yacht to theOWNER at the Port of Re-Delivery due to intentional delay or change of itinerary against the Captain’s advice, then theCHARTERER shall pay forthwith to the OWNER demurrage at the daily rate plus forty percent (40%) of the daily rate, and ifdelay in re-delivery exceeds twenty-four (24) hours, the CHARTERER shall be liable to indemnify the OWNER for any lossor damage which the OWNER shall suffer by reason of deprivation of use of the Yacht or cancellation of, or delay in deliveryunder, any subsequent charter of the Yacht.
CLAUSE 11 - CANCELLATION BY THE CHARTERER : 1. Should notice of cancellation of this Agreement be given by theCHARTERER on or at any time before commencement of the Charter Period, or should the CHARTERER fail after havingbeen given notice to pay any amount payable under this Agreement, the OWNER shall be entitled to retain the full amount of all payments made by the CHARTERER prior to cancellation. 2. Without prejudice to the OWNER’s remedies in (a) above,if the OWNER is able to re-let the yacht to another Charterer for all or part of the Charter Period and under the sameconditions or reduced price then the OWNER or the BROKER on his behalf shall refund to the CHARTERER such netbalance as is due to the CHARTERER after re-letting which is to be calculated upon the following basis: The original CharterFee, net of commissions, shall be deducted from the net hire for the Charter Period due to the OWNER from the re-letting.To this figure is to be added all reasonable additional expenses, including commissions, incurred by the ONWER on re-letting. The figure as calculated will be deducted from the monies actually received from the CHARTERER and anyremaining credit balance due to the CHARTERER will be repaid. The intention is that the OWNER shall not receive less innet proceeds from any re-letting than would have been received if the original Agreement has been fulfilled. The OWNERshall use his best endeavors to re-let the yacht and shall not unreasonably withhold his agreement, to re-let, althoughcharters, which may reasonably be considered detrimental to the yacht, its reputation, its crew or its schedule may berefused.
CLAUSE 12 - BREAKDOWN OR DISABLEMENT : 1. If, after delivery, the Yacht at any time is disabled by breakdown ofmachinery, grounding, collision or other cause so as to prevent reasonable use of the Yacht by the CHARTERER for a periodof not less than twelve (12) consecutive hours or one-seventh (1/7th) of the Charter Period, whichever is the larger, andnot more than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours or one-seventh (1/7th) of the Charter Period, whichever is the shorter,(and the disablement has not been brought about by any act or default of the CHARTERER), the OWNER shall make a prorate return of the Charter Fee from the date and time when the Yacht was disabled or became unfit for use. Alternatively,if the parties mutually agree and subject to the circumstances, the Charter Period shall be extended by a time equivalentto the disablement. If the CHARTERER considers the circumstances justify the invoking of this Clause, he shall giveimmediate notice in writing to the Captain that he wishes to do so. 2. If, however, the Yacht is lost, or is so extensivelydisabled as aforesaid that the Yacht cannot be repaired within a period of forty-eight (48) hours or one-seventh (1/7th) ofthe Charter Period, whichever is the shorter, the CHARTERER may terminate this Agreement by notice in writing to theOWNER or the BROKER(s) or, if no means of communications is possible, to the Captain on the OWNER’s behalf, and assoon as practicable after such termination the Charter Fee shall be repaid by the OWNER pro rate without interest for thatpart of the Charter Period remaining after the date and time that the loss or disablement occurred. In these circumstancesthe CHARTERER may effect Re-Delivery by giving up possession of the yacht where she lies. The CHARTERER shall beentitled to recover from the OWNER the reasonable cost of returning himself and his passengers to the Port of Re-Deliveryby scheduled services, together with any accommodation expenses necessary for this purpose. 3. Article a. and b, ofclause 12 shall not be valid for time charters, where there are special clauses in the case of breakdown or disablement.
CLAUSE 13 – USE OF THE YACHT: 1. The CHARTERER shall use the Yacht exclusively as a pleasure vessel for the use ofhimself and his Guests. The CHARTERER shall ensure that no pets or other animals are brought on board the Yacht withoutthe consent in writing of the OWNER. The CHARTERER shall ensure that the behavior of himself and his Guests shall notcause a nuisance to any person or bring the Yacht into disrepute. The CHARTERER shall comply, and shall ensure that hisGuests comply, with the laws and regulations of any country into whose waters the Yacht shall enter during the course ofthis Agreement. The CHARTERER shall ensure that any bonded stores or other merchandise which may already be aboardthe Yacht, or may be brought aboard the Yacht during the Charter, are cleared through Customs before being taken ashore,if required by the laws and regulations. The Captain shall promptly draw the CHARTERER’s attention to any infringementof these terms by himself or his Guests, and if such behavior continues after this warning, the Captain shall inform theOWNER or his BROKER, and the OWNER may, by notice in writing given to the CHARTERER, terminate this Agreement inaccordance with Clause 7 of this Agreement. 2. If the CHARTERER or any of his Guests shall commit any offence contraryto the laws and regulations of any country which results in any member of the crew of the Yacht being detained, fined orimprisoned, or the Yacht being detained, arrested, seized or fined the CHARTERER shall indemnify the OWNER against allloss, damage and expense incurred by the OWNER as a result, and the OWNER may, by notice to the CHARTERER,terminate this Agreement forthwith. It is also specifically understood that the possession or use of any illegal drugs or anyweapons (including particularly firearms) shall be sufficient reason for the OWNER to terminate the Charter forthwithwithout refund or recourse against the OWNER.
CLAUSE 14 - NON-ASSIGNMENT : The CHARTERER shall not assign this Agreement, sub-let the Yacht or part with controlof the yacht without the consent in writing of the OWNER, which consent may be on such terms as the OWNER thinks fit.
CLAUSE 15 - SALE OF THE YACHT : Should the OWNER agree to sell the Yacht after the signing of this Charter Agreement,but before delivery to the CHARTERER, the OWNER shall immediately give notice of such sale in writing to the CHARTERERand the BROKER(s). Should the vessel be sold one of the following provisions will apply: 1. The OWNER shall arrange for the Buyer to take over the Charter Agreement and perform the Charter on the same terms and conditions by way of a newCharter Agreement between the involved parties. Shall the Charter not be perform on the same terms and conditions andwith the same crew or Yacht of similar or superior standard, the CHARTERER is entitled to refuse signing of a new CharterAgreement. 2. If the Buyer is unwilling or unable to fulfill the Charter Agreement, the OWNER hereby procures the Charterof a replacement yacht of similar or superior standard and on the same Charter Fee. Shall the replacement Yacht not beof similar or superior standard, equivalent crew and expenses, then the CHARTERER is entitled to refuse the replacementYacht. 3. Should the CHARTERER in accordance to article b of this clause, not sign a new Charter Agreement, or reject theproposed replacement, the CHARTERER will be entitled to repayment without interest of the full amount of all paymentsmade by him, and shall in addition be paid by the OWNER liquidated damages, calculated and paid forthwith on thefollowing scale: 1. If the CHARTERER is informed three (3) months or more before commencement of the Charter Period,an amount equivalent to 7,5% of the Charter Fee. 2. If the CHARTERER is informed more than fourteen (14) days but lessthan three (3) months before commencement of the Charter Period, an amount equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of theCharter Fee. 3. If the CHARTERER is informed less than fourteen (14) days before commencement of the Charter Period,an amount equivalent to twenty five percent (25%) of the Charter Fee. The BROKER’s commission is deemed earned onthe signing of this Contract and the OWNER shall pay the whole of the commission forthwith.
CLAUSE 16 – INSURANCE : The OWNER shall insure the Yacht with first class insurers against all customary risks for aVessel of her size, value and type on cover no less than is provided under Institute Yacht Clauses in accordance with para.1, cl. 8 on N.2743/99 & specifically: 1. for urban liability for death, personal injury of Guests and third parties caused bycollision, shipwreck or any other causes, and for an amount of at least three hundred thousand (300.000) Euro, regardlessthe number of persons.2. for third parties liability for material damage to Guests and third parties caused by collision,shipwreck or any other causes, and for an amount of at least one hundred and fifty thousand (150.000) Euro 3. for seapollution and with insurance of at least ninety thousand (90.000) Euro. 2. Additionally, the OWNER shall have insurancecoverage against liabilities caused by the use of watersports equipment, as per paragraph 3 in clause 7 of this CharterAgreement. The insurance shall also cover war and strikes and include insurance of Crew against injuries and/or ThirdParty liabilities incurred during the course of their employment. 3. All such insurances (a & b) shall be on such terms andsubject to such deductibles as are customary for a vessel of the Yacht’s size and type. Copies of the relevant insurancedocumentation shall be available for inspection by the CHARTERER prior to the Charter on reasonable notice to theCaptain, and shall be carried on board the Yacht. 4. The CHARTERER shall carry independent insurance for PersonalEffects whilst on board or ashore and for any Medical or Accident expenses incurred other than as covered under theYacht’s insurance as per I and II of clause 16. It is also agreed that Cancellation and Curtailment insurance is not includedin this Agreement.
CLAUSE 17 – CHARTERER’S LIABILITY : The CHARTERER shall only be liable for such costs or losses as may be incurredby repairing damage caused by the CHARTERER or his guests (intentionally or otherwise) to the Yacht or any third party upto the level of the Excess (Deductible) on the OWNER’s insurance policy for each separate accident or occurrence. TheCHARTERER may be liable for a sum greater than the Excess (Deductible) on any one accident or occurrence if theCHARTERER or any of his guests acted in such a manner (intentionally or otherwise) as to avoid, or limit, the coverageunder the OWNER’s insurance.
CLAUSE 18 - DEFINITIONS : 1. FORCE MAJEURE In this Agreement “force majeure” means any cause directly attributableto acts, events, non-happenings, omissions, accidents or Acts of God beyond the reasonable control of the OWNER or theCHARTERER (including, but not limited to, strikes, lock-outs or other labor disputes, civil commotion, riots, blockade,invasion, war, fire, explosion, sabotage, storm, collision, grounding, fog, governmental act or regulation, major mechanicalor electrical breakdown beyond the crew’s control and not caused by OWNER’s negligence). 2. OWNERS, CHARTERERSAND BROKERS Throughout the Agreement, the terms “OWNER”, “CHARTERER” and “BROKER” and correspondingpronouns shall be construed to apply whether the OWNER, CHARTERER or BROKER is male, female, or corporate, singularor plural, as the case may be.
CLAUSE 19 - ARBITRATION : Any dispute in connection with the interpretation and fulfillment of this Agreement shall bedecided by arbitration in Piraeus, Greece. Each party shall appoint one Arbitrator, the third –in head of the arbitration –being appointed by the Shipping Chamber of Shipping in Greece. This Agreement shall be interpreted and fulfilled inaccordance with the laws of Greece and the Courts of Piraeus/Greece.
CLAUSE 20 - BROKERS : 1. The BROKER’s commission shall be deemed to be earned by the BROKER(s) upon the signingof this Agreement and be payable by the OWNER on the full Charter Fee and sectionally in accordance to the payments of the Charter Fee. In the event of Cancellation or Curtailment by the CHARTERER, the commission shall be deducted as anexpense from the deposit and in the case of cancellation by the OWNER the commission will be payable by the OWNER.2.If the CHARTERER should extend this Charter or should re-charter the Yacht from the same OWNER within two (2) yearsfrom the date of completion of this Charter whether or not on the same terms, then the BROKER(s) shall be entitled to, andshall be paid by the OWNER, commission on the gross Charter Fee paid for that further charter upon the same basis asprovided herein. The OWNER shall not be obligated to pay commission to the BROKER(s) in case of re-charter under thefollowing conditions: 1. In the case a license in accordance to the Greek legislation is involved.2. The commission hasbeen agreed 3. The payment of the commission is proved with legal documents. If a lesser commission has been agreedto, then the BROKER of the initial Charter Agreement is entitled to be paid by the OWNER the difference arising from theapplication of the two different brokerage commissions.4. If any agreement should be reached directly between theCHARTERER and the OWNER for the purchase of the yacht within two (2) years from the date of completion of this charterthen the BROKER(s) shall be entitled to and be paid by the OWNER the customary or normal brokerage commission.5. TheBROKERS in this Agreement shall have no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury or even death to the person orproperty of the OWNER or CHARTERER or any of their Guests, servants or agents.
CLAUSE 21 - PAYMENT OF THE CHARTER AND OTHER MONIES TO THE OWNERS: All funds received by the BROKER(s)against this Agreement shall be paid to the OWNER upon commencement of the Charter. The Advance ProvisioningAllowance (A.P.A.) shall be paid to the OWNER before commencement of the Charter and in duly time in order that theYacht can purchase provisions as per CHARTERER’s instructions.
CLAUSE 22 - COMPLAINTS : The CHARTERER shall give notice of any complaint in the first instance to the Captain onboard and note shall be taken of the time, date and nature of the complaint. If, however, this complain cannot be resolvedon board the Yacht then the CHARTERER shall give notice to the OWNER or to the BROKER on the ONWER’s behalf assoon as practicable after the event giving rise to the complaint has taken place and anyway within twenty-four (24) hoursof the event or occurrence unless it is impracticable due to failure or non-availability of communications equipment. Thecomplaint may be made verbally in the first instance but shall be confirmed as soon as possible in writing (by fax, telex ormail) specifying the precise nature of the complaint.
CLAUSE 23 - NOTICES : Any notice given or required to be given by either Party to this Agreement shall be communicatedin any form of writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given if proved to have been dispatched pre-paid andproperly addressed by mail or bona fide courier service or by fax or telex, in the case of the OWNER, to him or to theBROKER at their addresses as per this Agreement or, in the case of the CHARTERER, to his address as per this Agreementor, where appropriate, to him on board the Yacht.
CLAUSE 24 - ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS : The Charterer and Broker authorize the STAKEHOLDER to sign on their behalfthis HYBA Agreement, which was drafted on the basis of the MYBA Contract mutually agreed and signed by all Parties.